Early Summer, Lady Maritha of Turain gives birth.

Kari Bellerby comes as midwife and delivers the child together with Etta Combler.

Late Summer, hench Sir Benjamin and Lady Maritha arrive at Lewinton with their son. With them, they got Etta Combler as nanny and Lady Valerie of Malbourg. Conrad Combler and Maxie Barta follow as guards and drivers for the wagon.

The House of Whyne had already arrived and are occupying one appartment at the castle. It houses Sir Samuel and Lady Glenda of Whyne with their son Sir Conrad and their bodygaurds Stanley Banks and his fiancee Serina Duhe.

Since the The 15th Prince and his family is coming, The House of Malbourg install themself at The Crown at town.

Dwain Delaney returns from Guttric Castle, and tells they cannot come, because Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric and their Children like Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh are at the wedding in Wondon and the old Sir John Arnold Fern of Guttric have became ill.

Lady Maritha of Turain, Sir Benjamin and Lady Valerie of Malbourgh discuss the situation. They agrees Lady Maritha of Turain shall be representing her cousin from Guttric together with her husband Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, and Lady Valerie of Malbourgh can then be representing Malbourgh.

Moira Lieberman and Eileen Twinley do not like to stay at the appartment of Sir Gareth of Lewinton, where he lies dead, so Eileen Twinley joints her parents and brother at the town, and Moira Lieberman like to have a room at The Crown, where she's close to Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh.


Lady Maritha of Turain, the mother of Sir Robert, dies.

Christmas Then, Sir Benjamin of Lewinton takes his son, Sir Robert of Lewinton, with him to Malbourgh Castle.

Ad Malbourgh Castle, Sir Benjamin and Sir Robert of Lewinton are well recived.

Sir Leonard and Samantha of Malbourgh takes good care of Sir Robert of Lewinton and let him play with their son, Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh.


Late Winter Then, Sir Benjamin of Lewinton picked up his son, Sir Robert of Lewinton, and goes home to Lewinton Castle to wait.



Late Winter An envoy, Conrad Combler, from Malbourgh arrives and tells, Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh and their son, Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh suddently had died during Christmas.

Then Sir Benjamin of Lewinton takes his son, sir Robert of Lewinton, and Moira Liebermann with him to Malbourgh Castle .

As the only remaining son, Sir Benjamin of Lewinton had espected a warm velcome, but his parents Sir Patrick and Lady Cathry of Malbourgh is only morning over the death of Sir Leonard and Samantha of Malbourgh and their son, Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh, and they ignores Sir Robert of Malbourgh.

Autumn Equinox Slim Bellerby and Lady Valerie of Lewinton gets married.

Late Autumn At Lewinton Castle, Sir Benjamin of Lewinton don't wants any more scandales, so he married Moira Liebermann to Joplin Twinley and asks Joplin Twinley to be at Slim Bellerby's service ever time, Slim have lust for him, and Moira Twinley shall be at service for himself.

Lady Cathry of Lewinton, the grandmother of Sir Robert, dies.


Late Winter Conrad Combler, delevers the message of tbe death of Lady Cathry of Malbourgh to the siblings, Sir Benjamin of Lewinton and Lady Valerie of Lewinton.

Nor Sir Benjamin of Lewinton, nor Lady Valerie of Lewinton feel like going to their mother's funeral.

Autumn Equinox Conrad Combler overbring the news of the death of Sir Patrick of Malbourgh to Sir Benjamin and Lady Valerie of Lewinton at Lewinton Castle.

Sir Benjamin of Lewinston have to go back to Malbourgh Castle to become the new lord of Malbourgh and he takes the heavily pregnant Moira Twinley with him, as Lady Valerie of Lewinston stays to take care of Lewinston Castle in his absent.


Sir Robert turns 16 years old and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Lewinton makes Sir Robert lord of Lewinton Shire, and Sir Robert moves to Lewinton Castle as Sir Robert of Lewinton, though he's have to swar loyalty to his father.

Sir Benjamin of Lewinton and Malbourgh instructs his son Sir Robert of Lewinton to attack Grossbourgh Castle to lure the Grossbourghian army away from Whorton, so Sir Benjamin of Lewinton and Malbourgh can attack from there.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh makes a surprise attack on Grossbourgh at Wity Marsh. That lures the army of Grossbourgh to go to Whorton.

Meanwhile, Sir Robert of Lewinton leads a raid form the mountains of Lewinton at Grossbourgh Castle, where he kills Sir Geoffrey Heaton and Lady Petra of Grossbourgh and their son, Sir Leonard Heaton.

Sir Robert of Lewinton, however, gets sexual desire for Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh, so Sir Robert spares her at the tower of Grossbourgh Castle in captivity.

The 15th Prince and Princess Queen Beatrice Lady of Chetzer with The 16th Prince and Princess Denice Heaton Lady of Grossbourgh arrives, reintakes the Grossbourgh Castle, free Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh and captures Sir Robert of Lewinton.

When Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Lewinton hears about his son's faith he asks for cease to negotiate with The 15th Prince.

The 16th Prince and Princess Denice Heaton Lady of Grossbourgh stayed at Grossbourgh Castle to take care of Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh and to guard over Sir Robert of Lewinton to keep him in prison.

The 16th Prince and Princess Denice Heaton Lady of Grossbourgh place Sir Robert of Lewinton at the prison cell, he had made for Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh at the tower until The 15th King. have comed to a desition.

The 16th Prince have to obay his father and appoints Sir Robert of Lewinton from as govenor of Grossbourgh on hehaf of Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh but suggests his wife Princess Denice Heaton of Grossbourgh to go to Wondon, to seek help at his sister Lady Rebeeca of Wondon.

As soon as The 16th Prince and Princess Denice Heaton Lady of Grossbourgh left, Sir Robert of Lewinton places Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh in captivity at the tower with him.


Late Winter The 15th Prince decides Sir Robert of Lewinton can stay as govenor of Grossbourgh and rule on behaf of the underageed Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh, but he must stay in captivity at the Castle of Grossbourgh.

Early Spring Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Lewinton takes his newly married wife Lady Virginia Angelica of Lewinton with him to Grossbourgh Castle to bring the decition of 15th King to his son, Sir Robert of Lewinton, and The 16th Prince and Princess Denice Heaton of Grossbourgh.

As soon as The 16th Prince and Princess Denice Heaton Lady of Grossbourgh left, Sir Robert of Lewinton places Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh in captivity at the tower with him.


Lady Victoria Valerie of Malbourgh is born.

It was a relief to him, that it became a sister and not a competing brother, but he still want her out of the way.

Sir Robert just hate his new sister, and will do anything to prevent his father from getting an other son or children.


Sir Robert takes Fraya Heaton as his lover.


Fraya Heaton consive a daughter, Denice Heaton, with Sir Robert.


The 15th King dies and The 16th King is crowned.

Hence, Fraya Heaton sister becomes The 16th Queen and Sir Robert had to release Fraya and Denice from their captivity.

Sir Robert calls for this aunt Lady Valerie of Lewinton and her husband Slim Bellerby with their children Clarke and Derik. They must keep an eye on Lady Fraya of Grossbourgh and their daughter, Denice.

Sir Robert realizes he could not kill Fraya and Denice Heaton, when they are so closely related to the queen. But he wants to get rid of them, so he call upon his aunt, Rebecca Bellerby, to guard his girls, and make sure the don't get out of Grossbourgh Castle. Beside, Sir Robert still hope, Fraya will deliver him a son.


Lady Victoria is now 14 years old, and Sir Robert thinks she starts posing a thread to him, so he goes to Lewinton to kill her, but she had disappears.

On return to Grossbourgh, his father orders him to prepare an attack on Wondon Shire to conquer it.

Sir Robert of Malbrough makes a raid into the northan part of Wondon, and burns the Wondon Tower down to avoid Sir Thomas of Wondon to watch the border from the tower.


Sir Robert takes Tami Witt as his lover.


Early Winter The body of Sir Benjamin is taken to Grossbourgh Castle by Danny Shaw and 3 others, where his son, Sir Robert residents at that time. As soon as he hear about the death of his father, Sir Robert rounds up his men and wents to Wondon Castle with the intention of searching for Sir William to kill him too.

Sir Robert of Lewinton let Slim Bellerby and Lady Valerie of Lewinton guard Lady Fraya of Grossbourgh and their daughter, Denice, at Grossbourgh Castle.

Sir Robert of Lewinton takes Tami Witt with him as his lover, and Clack and Derik Bellerby and Derik's lover, Lana Curry and her brother Mark Curry, Lian Hoad and the rest of the men of Sir Benjamin, as his army.

At arrival at Wondon Castle he finds, to he satisfaction, the loyal men of his father have hold on to Rooster Claw, Wondon Tower, Town and Castle.

At Wondon Tower, there is nobody alive and at Wondon Town the only civilian resident left is Merian (Hay) Valdor, now morning over the death of Barney Keith Valdor.

Apart from her, there are 11 wounded troops at The Old Witch. Among the wounded, he finds Tim Dade, whom he takes with him to Wondon Castle.

Tim Dade can tell Sir Robert of Lewinton, Lady Rebecca of Wondon tried to kill him, when Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh saved him and probably killed Lady Rebecca. Sir William intervined and it cam to a fight, where Sir Benjamin was killed and Sir William of Wondon was injured. Sir William of Wondon had taken more men with him, and they fleed with the dead body of Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh.

Sir Robert of Lewinton sends out Clack and Derik Bellerby, Mark Curry, Lian Hoad to scout Logger's Dell and to find the body of Alfredo Barta.

Meanwhile, Sir Robert of Lewinton, Tim Dade and Danny Shaw finds Bradley Owens, Jacob Mareton and Marty Rowley at dungeon of the castle.

Tim Dade discovered that Bradley Owens have been at the same music schoole as himself.

Sir Robert of Lewinton orders a cage at Danny Shaw where he can have Bradley Owens in, so he can play music, while Sir Robert takes pleasure at Tami Witt.

At return to Wondon Castle, Clack and Derik Bellerby, Mark Curry, Lian Hoad can report, The Logger's Dell is abandoned and Lady Rebecca of Wondon have been salvished, but they did found the body of Alfredo Barta, whom was left there.

Lian Hoad rechained Barney Owens at the cage in the private dome of Sir Robert, whilst Danny Shaw makes a coffin for Alfredo Barta in the celler of the castle.

Christmas The 16th King arrives at Wondon Castle with his own army supported by a Chetzerian army and an army from Gutric.

Sir Robert informs the king, that both Sir Thomas and Sir Benjamin has parised, and makes a claim on all Malbrough, Lewinton, Grossbourgh and Wondon Shires.

Sir Robert declares, he has no part in the killing of Sir Thomas and Lady Rebecca and makes a claim for the killing of his father, Sir Benjamin. The King appoints Sir Robert to succeed his father as lord of Malbrough and Lewinton. Wondon, he gives to Sir William.


Sir Robert negotiate peace with the king.

Sir Robert returns to Malbourgh Castle, and toke Tami Witt on as his lover.

Sir Robert leaves Grossbourgh Castle to his two nephews, Clack and Derik Bellerby, and instructed them to keep an eye on Fraya Heaton.

Sir Robert takes Cedric Gregg to Malbourgh to use him as a guard at Malbourgh Castle

It becomes custume to brand thieves with hot iron.


Sir Robert takes Susanne Lake on as his lover.


When Sir Robert hear of the princess quest, which includes a proposal of marriage, he realize, that if he can become the father of the princess's potential son, he might drive Sir William out on a side line, in the quest to be the next king.

Autumn Sir Robert stars showing an unhealthy interest in Kristina Dade, and Jonas Ring puts her on prevention position.


Early Spring First, he greb Shirley’s offer that promised to forefil the princess’s wish, but it ended with a rash.

Spring equiox Tami promise Sir Robert, she can make him speak with the horse of the princess, if he will have sex with her. She then provides him with an animal speech potion, which give him a rash.

Sir Robert gets pox from the animal speech potion and loose interest in both Susanne Lake And Kristina Dade.

Sir Robert orders Tim Dade and his son Toby to torture Tami. Under Torture Tami tells, she got the potion from a Shirley Evans, who surposily have stole it from the Witch of Wondon.

Sir Robert sends out Toby Dade to search for Shirley Evans and the Witch of Wondon.

Late Spring Though, Shirley sended the antidote for the pox, he swor she should pay for it, but Shirley had disapeared.

Toby Dade returned to Malbourgh.

Sir Robert gets worried, because he had never heard of a Witch in Wondon except for a legendary one.

Sir Robert decided to grace Tami Witt again. She promised to take care of his rash as best as she could, and advice him to research for Shirley and Matthew Evans and the witch at Wondon.

Tami sudgeted that he send Mark Curry and Denice Heaton back to Grossbourgh Castle not to show his worries and then ask Mark and Derik Bellerby to do the search.

Early Summer Cured for the pox, he then thought, he doesn’t have to marry the princess to get a child with her. He could just capture her, and then only release her, when she agrees to deleaver him a son.

Midsummer Hence, he sends spies to Kingston, to prepare a kidnapping of the princess, and at the late summer he was ready to make his first attempt.

Early Autumn Sir Robert are finally cured for his pox, and listening to what Hugh have to tell him about the Witch of Wondon, and that Toby are trying to penetrate into Wondon to learn more about the witch and her potions.